
Monday - Tutorials

Introduction to the programming of Accelerators and multi-core environments. Tutorial and a hands-on session will give the opportunity for less experienced participants to learn about the programmming paradigms.

lecture hall 6, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
09.00-10.00 registration
10.00-12.00 H. Pabst (Intel) Programming for the future: scaling forward with cores and vectors

13.30-15.30 T. Stich (Nvidia) Nvidia CUDA
15.30-17.30 F. Rudolf, K. Rupp, J. Weinbub (TU Wien) An Introduction to OpenCL for Scientific Computing

19.00- dinner, Berggaststätte Fuchsturm

Tuesday - Workshop

lecture hall 6, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
08.30-09.00 registration
09.00-09.45 F. Rudolf, K. Rupp, J. Weinbub (TU Wien) Lessons Learned in Developing the Linear Algebra Library ViennaCL
09.45-10.10 R. Heintzmann (University Jena, IPHT) CudaMat - a toolbox for Cuda computations

10.35-10.50 D. Martin, G. Haase, G. Offner (University of Graz) Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions on GPGPUs using CUDA
10.50-11.10 L. Kühne (University Jena, Informatik) A Concurrent Algorithm for Computing the Flow Complex
11.10-11.35 A. Hübl (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) Scaling Plasma Simulations to more than 18,000 GPUs
11.35-12.00 C. E. Frigaard (Lab4241) Running GADGET2 on GPUs: Optimizing Tree-search Algorithms by Detailed Profiling of GPU Code

13.30-14.15 M. Kreutzer (University Erlangen, RRZE) Building blocks for sparse linear algebra on heterogeneous hardware
14.15-14.30 M. Noack (Simula, Oslo) Parallel and simultaneous computation of eikonal and transport equations by taking full advantage of GPU computer architecture
14.30-14.55 M. Liebmann (University of Graz) Optimal Control of the Schrödinger Equation on Many-Core Architectures
14.55-15.15 J. Langguth (Simula, Oslo) Scalable Finite Volume Computations in Heterogeneous Systems
15.15-15.30 R. Seidler (University Jena, Informatik) Implementing the Radon Transform using Advanced Techniques on GPGPUs

15.45-16.10 G. Zumbusch (University Jena) A parallel functional language for high performance finite difference stencil codes
16.10-16.30 M. Sourouri (Simula, Oslo) An Optimized Intra-Node Communication Scheme Using Multiple CUDA Streams and OpenMP Threads
16.30-16.50 C. Eckert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) An adaptive, load-balanced MPI/GPU-Code for calculating the gain in High Power Laser media
16.50-17.05 E. Rodner (University Jena, Informatik) Computational Challenges for Visual Recognition with Deep Learning Architectures
17.05-17.30 R. Pausch (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) Scalable, interactive 3D in-situ visualization of large-scale Simulations