
When: 25-27 August 2010
Where: Jena, Germany

We would like thank all of the participants and speakers for helping to make the first WUMDS meeting a success. The program now has links to slides from the talks and we have posted a a list of those involved with the workshop.

Numerical methods in General Relativity have made significant advancements in the past five years allowing for large-scale computation of gravitational wave templates and sophisticated studies of compact objects. Finite-difference techniques currently account for the majority of large-scale simulations being run today. Much less is understood about numerical solutions of Einstein's equations on unstructured grids.

This workshop on the use of unstructured meshes in numerical relativity has been devised as a means to bring together experts in numerical relativity, finite element methods, finite volume methods, discrete differential forms, and Regge calculus to encourage discussion between the communities and identify areas in which new progress can be made.

We plan for discussion and talks to provide an overview of current work in these areas as it relates to General Relativity, to foster discussion on the intersection of these methods, and to develop prospective avenues through which methods on unstructured meshes can contribute to the global numerical relativity community.
Topics for talks and discussions will be aimed at

This workshop will be focused on providing an environment fostering an understanding of the different techniques employed on unstructured meshes and stimulating ideas for advancing research in this approach to numerical relativity.

Registration is now closed.

Scientific Organizing Committee:
Snørre H. Christiansen (University of Oslo)
Jonathan R. McDonald (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena)
Warner A. Miller (Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton)
Gerhard Zumbusch (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena)

This workshop is sponsored by:

DFG Logo The German Research Foundation (DFG)
SFB/TR7 Logo The SFB/Transregio 7 (SFB/TR7)
CMA Logo Centre of Mathematics for Applications (CMA)